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Páteční zamyšlení nad prací u klienta

Dnešní páteční odpoledne (po opravdu náročné dopolední schůzce s klientem, na kterou jsme se připravovali celý týden ;-) jsme se s kolegou Paulem věnovali zamýšlení nad prací u klienta.

A protože je Paul z londýnské kanceláře, tak dneska výjimečně v angličtině (protože se mi to nechce překládat):

When thinking about the kinds of clients you want to work on, there are often many considerations – the industry, their size, the type of work they want you to complete, the visibility. However, there are a few things that you may not consider to be hugely important, that don’t seem to be a relevant factor, but they matter more than you realise.


Food – a client with a solid canteen will quickly become one of your favourite clients to work for. Challenging work and meeting deadlines is hungry work, and sustenance becomes more than just a necessity. Your lunch hour can be either a treat or a curse, and everyone will have an opinion on the availability of food at the clients. For those clients who do not have a canteen, the proximity of a decent restaurant becomes imperative. An hour is not a long time if you’re 20 minutes away from good food.

Scenery – working at a client site and looking out of the window to see an industrial site, a traffic jam or even a KPMG office is not a great deal of fun. Mountains and lakes make for the perfect mental escape. When you can’t stare at that report anymore and need to give your eyes a rest, there is nothing better than sun on the water.

Location – whether be international or down the street, location, location, location is very true when it comes to clients. Those international trips are usually really interesting, but there is a lot to be said for a 6 minute walk to the client site. Never underestimate the power of an extra 30 minutes in bed!

Friendliness – yes, we all want efficient and knowledgeable clients, but this can be ruined if they are difficult, impatient and uncooperative. The clients who are friendly, explain things to you clearly and patiently and respond to emails and phone calls in a timely manner will quickly become the one’s you don’t mind working with.


The truth is that there are reasons to enjoy working at every client – whether it’s the work, the environment, the manager or the skills you develop – but these things can turn the occasional bad day into a much better one!

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